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What about Home Security

Your house can never be too safe, no matter what time of day. When we think of burglars, we tend to imagine a ski masked-man, clothed in black from head to toe, who breaks into houses in the dead of night. The truth is, your average burglar probably looks like every other person in your neighbourhood. Except this one happens to make a living out of breaking into your house on your average workday, weeknight, or weekend. There is no time of day when your house becomes entirely safe from these home breaking culprits, nor are there any standard home invasion practices. A burglar might not even need anything but a half open door to break into your house.

In the US alone, a new case of burglary occurs every 15 minutes and causes an average of $1,725 worth of property loss and damage [Sources: McGoey, FBI]. Burglars are not burglars without a reason. What separates them from your common thief is that these crooks are so adept in exploiting the security weaknesses of a house.  While some weak points are obvious like faulty locks and broken windows, others are barely noticeable. For these less obvious weaknesses, here are few fixes you might want to install into you sweet home.

Home Alarm System

While installing a home alarm doesn’t necessarily make your house impenetrable to crooks, it does however provide a better peace of mind. While it doesn’t necessarily stop anyone from breaking into your house, it does make sure that help arrive much more quickly.

Home alarm systems are pretty much foolproof and straightforward to use. You install it and activate it. Trusted people get the pass code, while those who force entry trigger the alarm. The thing to remember with home alarm systems is that they are most effective when they are most obvious. Put out a sign announcing that you have a security system installed, this alone is enough deterrent against intruders.

Keep Your Whereabouts Off Social Media

You leaving the house is no less than a sensitive information. Crooks do not break into people’s houses at random. Even the simplest act of burglary requires the perfect timing, and the perfect timing for breaking into your place is when you are nowhere near it. Keep your vacation plans to yourself. While it makes you feel good to post a status letting your friends know that you are on a 2-week vacation in Brazil, it practically announces to every burglar with mean intentions that your house is up for grabs. Instead of broadcasting your vacation plans on social media, asking a trusted neighbour or two to keep an eye on your place might serve you better.

Burglar Proof Your Locks

Essentially, access points such as doors and windows are also your last line of defence against a break in. Needless to say, installing locks on every window if possible is crucial in keeping intruders from ransacking your home. Installing a burglar-proof glass on your windows is also among your safest bet. Doors, however, are a little bit more complicated. While door locks help, an intruder might easily get inside your place by kicking the door wide open. To increase the level of security that your door provide, it is a good idea to make sure that it is a windowless door that is made of either solid wood or metal as these materials hold better. Installing both a heavy-duty strike plate and a dead bolt also go a long way in keeping marauders out. Also, make sure that you keep your doors free from shrubbery and flowery landscapes as it is not unheard of for crooks to hide behind trees, shrubs, and bushes.

Guest post written by Joel Mayer who is an Australian freelance writer that writes about rental properties and about brands like www.taylors.com.au.

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